Energy Harvester (Buck-Boost)
Energy Harvester
The Energy Harvester is a kit designed to allow you to use harvest power from any power sources including lemons and thermal energy to power useful things, cell phones, USB chargers, etc.
The Design
The design originally started as a lab to teach engineering freshmen about DC-DC converters. Eventually the requirements lead it to be a full buck boost regulator.
Schematic and PCB Layout:
Ordering Parts:
Assembling the Circuit
The circuit assembles easily. For those without soldering equipment it can also be purchased fully assembled.
Using it
Acceptable Power Sources:
-dead batteries
-under voltage batteries (AA)
-chemistry cell
-thermal electric
-solar cell (single cell or multiple cells in parallel)
-organic mold
-6V lantern battery
-12V SLA (motorcycle, car battery)
-solar cell (3+ cells in series)
-18V cordless tool battery
Buck Boost:
-dynamo Lego hand crank
-Wind turbine, 9v dc motor, and propeller
-steam generator
Teaching using the Energy Harvester
Quiz (15min)
Gunter MacGyver Video (5 min)
- video of georgi stranded and opening his truck to find multiple power sources and the energy harvester
Energy Harvester Explained (that inside is a boost and a buck)
Gunter MacGyver using the device calling for help
Boost concept explain in detail
Buck concept explained in detail
Buck-boost concept explained in detail
Part 1 of lab:
Students use AA to power plasma ball – fail
Students use Elvis to characterize AAs and plasma ball
Students pick a topology (boost)
Ta gives them a boost
Students use AA and boost to successfully power plasma ball
Students return material
Part 2 of lab:
Students use car Battery to power LED – controlled destructive fail
Students use elvis to characterize car battery and led
Students pick a topology (buck)
Ta gives them a buck
Students us car battery and boost successfully to power led
Students return material
Part 3 of Lab:
After that destructive failure students skip just trying it and use science first
Students use Elvis to characterize hand crank dynamo.
Students notice the wide input range and pick a topology (buck-boost)
Students must also add D+/D- line modifications.
Students use buck boost and hand crank to charge a dead mp3 player to life
Part 4 of Lab:
Students test that all these devices work
Students get the tools to modify this to be a generic USB charger
- Boost get AA battery holder
- Bucks get a 12V car outlet plug
Test and Enjoy
Part 4 (Alt) of Lab:
Students are given an unknown device and must modify it in order to save their grade. This will be a competition where cunning, speed and diligence will win.