Radio Controlled Stepper upload firmware
How to make changes to and upload new firmware to the Radio Controlled stepper board.
There a couple settings you can change on the RC Stepper.
By default, when you are controlling a stepper motor using the RC stepper and you move the joystick on your remote control from left to the right the stepper motor will turn exactly 360 degrees. But what if you want to it turn 720 degrees instead, or even 89.6? By tweaking and upload the firmware you can do that.
All you have to do is download the source code, change the values in the config file and load the changed firmware on to the RC stepper. Here are these steps in detail:
Step 1. Install winavr. Download it from their site Here is the direct download link:
Step 2. Download the RC stepper source code.
Step 3. Make your changes to the config file. The name of this file is "config.h"
Step 4. Compile the code
Step 5. Connect the programmer to the RC stepper.
Step 5. Burn the code onto the micrcontroller.