Here is the direct download link:
Here is the direct download link:
When you are installing it, make sure you the install path you specify doesn't have any spaces in it. That means don't install it in into your "Program Files" folder. A good place to put it in is "C:\WinAVR"
When you are installing it, make sure the install path you specify doesn't have any spaces in it. That means don't install it in into your "Program Files" folder. A good place to put it in is "C:\WinAVR"
'''[Step 3] Make your changes to the config file.'''
'''[Step 3] Make your changes to the config file'''
Once you unzip the source code, look for the file named "config.h". This file will have the settings you can configure. Open it up and poke around inside. Each setting in the file has a short description next to it that explains what it does. Make the changes to the configurations and save the file.
Once you unzip the source code, look for the file named "config.h". This file will have the settings you can configure. Open it up and poke around inside. Even though the extension of this file is ".h" you can still open it in plain ol' notepad. Each setting in the file has a short description next to it that explains what it does. Make the changes to the configurations and save the file.
'''[Step 4] Programming the Arduino to act as a Programmer'''
'''[Step 4] Programming the Arduino to act as a Programmer'''
Now we need to make the Arduino board into a programmer so that it will be able to program other microcontrollers.
Now we need to make the Arduino board into a programmer so that it will be able to program other microcontrollers. This is very simple; with the Arduino IDE open, open the ArduinoISP sketch by going to File->Examples->ArduinoISP. This sketch will make the Arduino act as an ISP programmer. Select your board in the Tools menu, and make sure the correct COM port is selected (also, copy down or make a mental note of the COM port. It will be needed in the next step). Then just upload the sketch to the Arduino.
'''[Step 5] Connect the Arduino to the RC stepper.'''
'''[Step 5] Connect the Arduino to the RC stepper'''
Connect the Arduino board to the RC stepper as shown in the following diagram. Also connect a 10 uF capacitor between reset and ground on the Arduino board as shown in the diagram (the stripe on the capacitor that’s marked with a negative sign (-) should go to ground). The capacitor prevents the Arduino board from resetting (which starts the bootloader), thus ensuring that the Arduino IDE talks to the ArduinoISP (not the bootloader) during the upload of sketches. (The capacitor is needed if you’re using an Arduino Uno, and might also be necessary for an Arduino Duemilanove.)  
Connect the Arduino board to the RC stepper as shown in the following diagram. Also connect a 10 uF capacitor between reset and ground on the Arduino board as shown in the diagram (the stripe on the capacitor that’s marked with a negative sign (-) should go to ground). The capacitor prevents the Arduino board from resetting (which starts the bootloader), thus ensuring that the Arduino IDE talks to the ArduinoISP (not the bootloader) during the upload of sketches. (The capacitor is needed if you’re using an Arduino Uno, and might also be necessary for an Arduino Duemilanove.)  
Open up a command window and navigate to the folder where you unzipped the source code. Since I placed my code into "C:\rcStepper" I navigate to this folder by typing into the command window "''cd c:\rcstepper''".
Open up a command window and navigate to the folder where you unzipped the source code. Since I placed my code into "C:\rcStepper" I navigate to this folder by typing into the command window "''cd c:\rcstepper''".
Next type in "''make''" and press enter. This command will compile the firmware and produce a hex file that you will use in the next step. The hex file is the actual firmware data that will be written to the microcontroller.
Next type in "''make''" and press enter. This command will compile the firmware and produce a hex file that you will use in the next step. The hex file is the actual firmware data that will be written to the microcontroller.
Now it's time to finally burn the new code on to the RC stepper. In the command window you have open type in:
Now it's time to finally burn the new code on to the RC stepper. In the command window you have open type in:
  ''avrdude -P comport -b 19200 -c avrisp -p attiny85 -v -e -U flash:w:rcStepper.hex''
  ''avrdude -P comport -b 19200 -c avrisp -p attiny85 -v -e -U flash:w:rcStepper.hex''
Exception encountered, of type "Error"